As I've been archive-binging some other folks' blogs, it occurred to me that these popular daybook prompts (I based my version heavily on Elizabeth Foss's) might be a good way to get me journaling.
Outside my window...
We've had most of a week of cool-to-warm fall weather already, and it looks like it's going to continue. We've already had more of this beautiful mildness than we seem to get in some entire seasons, and I haven't spent enough time outside enjoying it yet.
Breathing deeply...
Husband and I did a great job of taking walks during our trips to California this summer -- the last time out, we even walked to work instead of renting a car. We really fell off the wagon when we came home to the heat and humidity. I'd like to get back to taking evening walks, but we've got an awful lot to do around the house, so maybe a lunch time walk would be better...
I am thankful for...
beautiful weather, a flexible job, and my whole family.
I am listening to...
tunes stuck in my head, including the Magnificat from Marty Haugen's Holden Evening Prayer.
From the kitchen...
The CSA peaches got moldy before we used them this week, which is a pity. Dinner tonight is the end of two of Husband's deliciously salty creations: a ham and bean soup, and chicken fried rice.
I am wearing...
straight-leg maternity jeans, a magenta-and-white striped tank top, and a grey snap-up cardigan I've had since at least my freshman year in college.
I am creating...
A soft cap for my mother-in-law, who recently started chemotherapy. Hoping it will be the right size this time, and that I can get it finished reasonably quickly in spite of my tingly fingers.
Bringing beauty to my home...
We're in the middle of an enormous furniture-rearranging project to make room for the new baby, and we also have a new couch! Practicing letting go of all the Stuff I've been holding on to, and hoping the practice builds skills that stick.
I am reading...
Probably too much internet and too few books. It's easier to read blog archives on my phone or iPad while I'm making breakfast or cleaning or brushing my teeth than to carry a book with me and prop it open. Younger me might be very disappointed indeed.
I am hoping...
for healing and good health all over my family.
I am pondering...
how to nurture our baby's spirit. Culturally I'm Catholic, but I really can't find peace with the Church as an institution. I'd still like Baby to grow up familiar with some of the traditions of our people; I wish there was more of a tradition of cultural Catholicism, the way some of our friends are culturally Jewish. This wish probably horrifies a lot of people.
I want Baby to feel the rhythm of the year -- seasons and celebrations -- and I want him to know about the examples of good people, and the different ways they were good.
Cultivating rhythm...
We've fallen into a cycle of sleeping and waking and working times that seems to be working OK for now. Part of me wants it to be more intentional -- and earlier -- but I don't think it's really causing problems, and the energy to change it would be better spent working on our home.
Learning lessons in...
a number of the things I worked on in grad school, which I don't remember in nearly as much detail as I wish I did.
One of my favorite things...
Hitting snooze a few times and easing into the cool autumn day, pleasant parts first.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
Husband is cooking mix-and-match pastas for village dinner tomorrow. We've got a lot of cleaning and hauling and especially
tossing to do, and it looks like we've got as much time as we ever have to do them in. Husband is working long days in order to have more time to flex his schedule when Baby comes.
A picture thought...
I've been hauling these two medals around, and I'm not 100% sure what they're FOR. There's a lot like this in the basement -- mixed in, of course, with things I'm still inclined to think are precious.