Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Pulled pork and honey shrub

Pulled pork dinner
Pulled Pork (which slow-cooker cookbook?)
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Honey Shrub (from Homemade Soda by Andrew Schloss)
My rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Honey shrub We had friends over for dinner and games on Monday night, and Husband made pulled pork in the slow-cooker. No unique details (although Husband says he might not bother with the from-scratch barbecue sauce to cook it the next time), but it was very tasty pulled pork. All four of us enjoyed it with cornbread and vegetables.
With my dinner, I had Honey Shrub from the homemade-sodas book I got Husband for Christmas. It's a simple recipe -- just honey, vinegar, and seltzer. I made that batch with local buckwheat honey; like the honey itself, the shrub was a little too intense. Much more success with the batch I took to work yesterday: half stringy-bark honey from our trip to Kangaroo Island, and half grocery store honey from a plastic bear. Both batches had apple cider vinegar instead of the prescribed sherry vinegar; we didn't have sherry vinegar around, and shrubs are usually fruity drinks, so the substitution seemed appropriate. I might try making a batch with plain water instead of seltzer next; shrubs are older than carbonated water, but I'm not sure if they were originally carbonated by fermentation, or just drunk flat. Mine was flat by the end of the day yesterday, and still tasted good (and felt good on a slightly sore throat).

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