Sunday, April 29, 2012

Review: K2: Life and Death on the World's Most Dangerous Mountain

K2: Life and Death on the World's Most Dangerous Mountain
K2: Life and Death on the World's Most Dangerous Mountain by Ed Viesturs

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Another "idiots on Everest"-type audiobook to listen to while I run. It took me a long time to finish this, because I kept getting sidetracked halfway through the 1939 expedition and having to go back to the beginning of that chapter when I came back to it. That got a bit tedious, but it's not the book's fault. Overall, quite an enjoyable read.

This is the first K2 book I've read, so I have no idea how Viesturs' ideas stack up against other theories (many of which he mentions and supports or refutes) about what happened on some of the more poorly understood K2 missions. He seems to be quite clear about the line between fact and fill-in (a lot of fill-in is necessary in some cases where there were no survivors or the survivors' stories are mutually incompatible), and his theories make sense as he tells them.

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