Saturday, June 02, 2012

Review: Sheepfarmer's Daughter

Sheepfarmer's Daughter
Sheepfarmer's Daughter by Elizabeth Moon

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Read on the Kindle April 2011 (I think). Listened to the Audible version May/June 2012. The reader irritates the skin off me -- she doesn't seem to have read ahead to the end of a sentence before starting it, or to know the right intonation for some colloquialisms. She also made some odd decisions for accents; in particular, as the mercenaries travelled south, the people they met had accents that seemed more and more Celtic (as she read them); but then, inexplicably, when a particular character was described as having a "Southern accent", she did an accent from the American South! Incroyable!! Since I'd read the book already, this was OK, but I'm still trying to decide if I can bear it for the second in the series, which I haven't read before...

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